Grow your pup into the ultimate family dog.
Raising a Calm Canine Puppy Class
This puppy class gives you everything you need to start your pup in the right direction. Not only will you see a positive difference in your puppy throughout the class duration, you'll be equipped to handle your dog throughout his entire lifetime.
What to expect:
Puppies are bundles of fun and energy. Every puppy class will be different, based on the personalities present. That being said, we will cover these 4 areas:
1. Becoming the Leader
This is the most important part of the puppy class. Your pup needs someone to look up to, someone to take charge and make decisions. This has to be you! I will teach you exactly how to become the leader in your pup's eyes.
2. Socialization
Puppies are pack animals and very social creatures. They need to learn at an early age how to play with other puppies and dogs. We will give them plenty of opportunity to do this in a safe environment. I will teach you how to let your pup meet other dogs, what their body language means, when to intervene, and when not to intervene.
3. Calming Techniques
Throughout our time together we'll discuss and practice various techniques and tools that can be used to calm your puppy in a safe, non-invasive way.
4. Command Training
We will cover the 7 Most Important Commands and set the foundation for you to teach your dog any command that you want in the future.
Raising a Calm Canine Puppy Class is 4 weeks long, with 1-hour session per week. Class sizes are controlled with around 5-10 participants.
Week 1: Leave the pups at home for this first class! This class is so important, we can't have any distractions. In this class, we will discuss how to become the leader in your pup's eyes. I'll describe and show you exactly what to do in your home with your pup.
Week 2: After a week of putting the content from class 1 in place, your pup will be prepared to meet other pups. I'll have my big adult dog there too, so they can socialize with different dogs of different ages. I'll show you some calming techniques as required, teach you some body language, and we will begin command training, starting with SIT, WALK, and COME. Of course there's time for Q&A.
Week 3: We'll see just how quickly the pups are catching on as we continue with socialization, calming techniques as required, and a refresher of SIT, WALK, and COME. We'll also practice STAY, OK, and DOWN. We'll have time for Q&A as well.
Week 4: Your pup will have come a long way in a short time. We'll practice all the commands, getting stronger as we go. We'll review everything we covered over the past weeks, and prepare you for anything that might come in your dog's future. Q&A time is available.
Upcoming Classes:
If you have questions, contact me here.